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Growing mushrooms indoors is so simple that even children can.

Why grow mushrooms at home


Thanks to our guidelines and kits available on the market, cultivation is finally applicable to  home reality. 

Safe product

Harvesting in nature is not always synonymous with quality.

Fungi absorb large amounts of inqunants such as pesticides, PCBs and heavy metals

Self-production  allows you to have mushrooms available without the risk associated with harvesting in nature.

Cheap and fast

Water, cultivation substrate, inoculation are the only materials needed.

Cultivate  homemade mushrooms costs very few euros and is very fast.

Zero rejection

 Mushrooms use kitchen waste materials as a source of nutrition.

Be amazed by the simplicity and speed with which you can get your mushrooms.


Our manual on mushroom cultivation contains all the fruit of our collaboration with companies and professionals in the sector.

By purchasing our manual you will receive a free additional manual on the recognition of the main wild fungal species with identification cards for a safer collection.  

Furthermore, by purchasing the book you can always contact us  for additional information or advice on purchases or products.

Inside the book you will find all the information to receive these additional services.

By purchasing any Urban Gardening product you will enjoy bargain prices on all future projects.

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